Monday, June 8, 2009

Twinking the Noobs

Someone or something is upgrading low-end super criminals, and making them somewhat tougher to defeat. Thankfully, we have continued to defeat them and put them back in prison where they belong. The opposite of thankfully, we still have no idea who or what is modifying these people. We have a few enemies we've face recently who may be responsible, so we're going to investigate them more thoroughly.

On a more personal note, we here at the New Guard celebrated Christmas this week, some of us for the first time. I'm told there's some controversy in this country around this time of year, because some people celebrate one holiday and others celebrate different holidays. Even so, I think we can all agree that it's nice to have a time of year devoted to spending time with the people you love, no matter what you call it, and no matter which traditions you follow. So to you, the good citizens of Lakeport, I say Merry Christmas to all, except those for whom that phrase has unfortunate religious or cultural connotations. To them I say have a good day during December 25th and surrounding time periods, regardless of your personal religious or philosophical beliefs, which I respect and acknowledge in a totally non-judgmental way.

*Clarification* In case you aren't "down" with the "lingo" of the internet, "twinking" means that a more powerful character in an MMORPG gives weapons and items to a lower level character to help them progress more quickly. It's appropriate in this context because someone considerably more powerful than these criminals is helping them with technology they can't possibly be getting on their own in order to help them cause more mayhem than they could otherwise cause.


  1. Wow! You're really coming along with the pop-culture references! Great job!

  2. Well, I spend a lot of time on the internet. One tends to pick up certain things.
